Saturday, September 09, 2006
'Field of Vision : Beijing'
Beijing New Art Projects, situated in the fashionable 'Factory 798' Art District ofBeijing, is the venue for the first Asian staging in the 'Field of Vision' globalart project. 'Field of Vision: Beijing' presents a freeze-frame slice through themultiple perspectives of the many real and imagined contemporary Chinas. Thisimmense wall-based installation is constructed from a skillfully edited assemblageof uncensored 'visual blogs' collected worldwide over the Internet following ahighly successful call for submissions.'Field of Vision: Beijing' is the result ofa year long collaboration between Chinese photography and performance artists the Gao Brothers and German artist Stephan Hausmeister,currently based in the UK. The Beijing field, like all other geographical instantsin this ongoing global series, reflects a unique local situation at a fixed point intime, including its relationships to global issues and perceptions, both positiveand dissonant. Invitations to produce further 'Fields' at key locations in Berlin,Sofia, Belfast and Bangkok have been received, with each planned as a new and uniqueunfolding in the map of contemporary perceptions, both global and local, that chartour steps into this uncertain century. The final artwork resulting from the 'Fieldof Vision' gallery event appears as an on-line version on the ever expanding projectwebsite, where visitors can navigate across the entire surface of the work and zoomin on the selected focus points to explore in detail the vast field of diverseviewpoints. All images are identified by the name and country of the contrib! utor,and many are accompanied by small personal statements that add to the depth andfascination of the artwork.Events:'Field of Vision: Beijing' opens at 15:00 on Saturday 16 September, also celebratingthe re-launch of the newly renovated Beijing New Art Project's gallery space.Construction and installation of 'Field of Vision : Beijing' takes place as a liveevent from 9 - 14 September with gallery visitors welcome to view the emerging'field'. Progress updates and live-audience reporting will appear on the projectwebsite throughout.A symposium at 15:00 on Friday 15 September will include video interviews withChinese artists, artist's talks, and an open discussion. These presentations are theresult of an ongoing critical investigation into the current boom in Chineseartistic production, and in the position of Beijing specifically - including therapid emergence of the 'Factory 798' Art District into the international limelight.Through a diversity of content and views the symposium will raise and challenge anumber of critical perspectives on China and the West today, highlighting the needfor critical debate supporting the 'internal' perceptions of Chinese culturalproducers, alongside issues concerning 'Orientalism' and the internalization ofWestern views of self, Eastern 'Occidentalism', and state absolutism and the'absolutism' of capitalist exchange-value.Opening: September 16 at 15:00Symposium: September 15 from 15:00 – 18:00 New Art Projects798 Art District, 4 Jiuxianqiao RoadChaoyang District, Beijing100015 ChinaT / F China: +86 – [0]10 – 84566660Curators: Gao Brothers, China; Marcel Hager, Germany; Stephan Hausmeister, Germany / UKSymposium host: Malcolm Ferris, University of Hertfordshire, UKAlison Dalwood - Cang Xin - Feifei Lu - Han Bing - Helen Marshall - Ji Shengli (HeiYue) - Kazuaki Tanahashi - Lao Liu (Tian Yi Bin) - Liu Fei - Ma Han - Miao Xiaochun- Michael Wright - Paul Dacey - Sam Jury – QingQing - Ye Fu ...and another 160 artists from 23 different countries, submitting more than 900images for the Beijing field. A first preview of all images submitted until August15 is visible at, images collected later thanAugust 15 will be published by September 14.
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